Friday, March 13, 2009

Loving the Spots

I was vacuuming up crushed cereal in the living room when I noticed that the carpet was riddled with little (and some not so little) spots. My first thought was, "What kind of chinese torture monger covers an entire house in cream carpet?!" Then as I was running the vacuum over the same black spot for about the hundredth time, my frustration subsided and turned to loving acceptance. I figured,"oh least you can tell our house is lived in." We would never survive in one of those "museum" houses where everything is spotless and in perfect order. You know the type of house where you are afraid to sit on the couch because you might squash one of the perfectly placed "throw" pillows? Yea, that's not our house...and that's OK with me.

As much as I try to contain messy food and drinks to the kitchen, it doesn't always happen...truth be told, it rarely happens. I mean, really, what fun is a popscicle if you have to stand still in the middle of the kitchen to eat it? Or, coffee? I carry it all over the house with me...all morning long...and yes, sometimes it gets kicked over, dropped, sloshed, dribbled...performing all sorts of exciting spillage routines.

So, thankfully, my active family will continue to LIVE in our house...and maybe, one day I'll attack the "well-loved" areas with a little Resolve...but not today.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I love to vacuum. It not only fulfills my need for a sense of accomplishment but it also satifisfies the slightly OCD side of my personality. I mean, think about it...we can go into a room with a dirt-speckled floor, push a medium weight machine on wheels around the room for a few minutes (maybe stopping once or twice to move furniture, pick up toys, etc), and voila!...the dirt-speckled floor is clean, mission accomplished. You see: maximum accomplishment, minimal effort.

Now, if you are like me, because this task requires such minimal effort and requires almost no brain activity, I often find my mind wandering...pondering deep thoughts that otherwise would remain floating out there somewhere in the universe. Maybe the great leaders of our world could solve all of the problems that plague this wonderful planet of ours...if they just did more vacuuming. Hmmm, just a thought.